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SUNDAY 6-10-18

The Holy Spirit is the Author of God’s WORD!


For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved  by the Holy Ghost, 2 peters 1:21

The Holy Spirit is brilliant and the author of the word of God to us today.

He inspired holy men of God to write under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.’ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof. for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.2Tim 3:16-17...

The Holy Spirit wants too:

1) Breathe his life into you

2) His energy poured into you

3) His wisdom placed in your heart.

4) His nature to be evident and obvious to you.

5) He wants you to know what he knows.

6) He wants you to feel what he feels.

8) He wants you to see what he’s looking at.

The Holy Spirit is the secret weapon that allows us to know what is on God’s heart and mind. This is a weapon He uses against satan. His God's words are His destructive weapons that destroy the things of satan.

Treasure His words today. The word of God is the weapon Satan can’t stand.

Be encourage and know that as you look to him The Author and the Finisher of your Faith. He (God) is working mightily through you to give you an expected end!! you’re a winner in Jesus Christ. You can do all things through Him.



Peace and Love,

Willingly and Obediently

Pastor Cheryl

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